We rely on the support of our local community for food donations, volunteering and finances. Can you help us stop UK hunger?

Give Help

Donate directly to Norwich Foodbank

To donate food directly

As well as our shopping list of items which can be added whilst at the supermarket or added to your online home delivery order we also have these ways that food is selected and delivered directly to our warehouse.


Our Amazon Wish List  has single and bulk items available to buy and get delivered directly to our warehouse.


Bank the Food is an app which shows you our most needed items and your local collection points. Download the app Here



To donate money directly

To donate using your Debit or Credit card as a one-off or monthly payment click here




To donate using your Debit or Credit card as a one-off or monthly payment click here


Gift Aid is one of the simplest and most effective ways of giving to a charity. Please click here to download our Gift Aid form.


Guest blog: Does your counter cheque make the 'grade'?We are also happy to accept cheques. Please make these payable to Norwich Foodbank



Other ways to donate directly


Bankuet donations allow us to purchase bulk orders of items needed for food parcels.



Give Today LogoGive Today is a donation platfom which shows our most needed items which can be bought on the Give Today website and delivered directly to our warehouse. Give Today use Etnicaly sourced suppliers and put together bundle parcels so donors can purchase a mixture of iteams also.


easyfundraising partners with over 7,500 brands who will donate part of what you spend to a cause of your choice. It won’t cost you any extra. The cost is covered by the brand. Sign up nominating Norwich Foodbank here.


Localgiving LogoLocalgiving is a fundraising platform giving access to donators of different ways they can make donations including crowdfunding.


Give as you Live DonateGive as you Live has multiple ways and resources for you to fundraise and donate online.


Give Food allows public to donate directly to their local foodbank either by donating money which Give Food then covert into a delivery direct to the Foodbank with items from our website shopping list. Or you can choose to donate directly yourself via one of our collection points shown via their Find a Foodbank link.


Make every gift count. Big or small. First or last. We help you give and we strengthen the causes you support. “We’re a place where connection happens – where those called to give meet those called to go. A community of generous stewards uniting to use all God has given us to love Him, love one another, and love our neighbours as ourselves.”

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