We rely on the support of our local community for food donations, volunteering and finances. Can you help us stop UK hunger?

Give Help

Partner with us

Norwich Foodbank is keen to partner with local businesses that are interested in making a positive contribution to their local community.

Partnering with the Norwich Foodbank is a great way of getting to know your community better. It’s good for PR, it boosts staff morale, but most of all it allows your business to help transform lives.

What could we do?

There are lots of ways that local businesses like yours can work with us.
  • You could donate your time, skills, resources or money.
  • If you are a food manufacturer or distributor – maybe you could donate surplus food.
  • You could become a Foodbank Collection Point
  • You could run a fund raising event for us or set your staff a volunteering challenge.
  • You could set up a payroll-giving scheme – the possibilities are endless!

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