We rely on the support of our local community for food donations, volunteering and finances. Can you help us stop UK hunger?


About our foodbank

If you were in crisis – where would you turn? Many of us have friends and family to turn to when the going gets tough. But what if your family could no longer help and you had nowhere else to go? What if the kids were hungry, the cupboards bare and you’re not sure where the next meal is coming from?
A sudden crisis such as an illness, family breakup, death, benefit delay or redundancy can leave people unable to feed themselves and their families. Such situations can quickly deteriorate sometimes leading to relationship breakdown, housing loss, crime and health problems.

Norwich foodbank supports local individuals and families who find themselves on the edge of disaster through the provision of emergency food supplies. These supplies take the form of nutritionally balanced emergency foodboxes to cover an individual or family’s basic needs for 72 hours: the critical time gap before other support services kick in.

We work closely with local care organisations whose professional care-workers identify people in crisis and give them a food voucher and refer them to one of our Distribution Centres. Here they are given a warm welcome, a hot drink and a foodbox and if they wish, a listening ear and help in finding other professionals who can assist them with the underlying problems that is causing their crisis.

Just by giving food and/or money to Norwich Foodbank – you can be a vital part of the community that’s providing emergency food to local people in crisis.

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