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Foodbank Prayer Letter: January 2025

7 January 2025

Psalm John 16:33.

I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.

As we take time to consider and celebrate all the good that the Norwich foodbank does to support those that are in need let us give praise and thanks to God.

We give thanks for:
1. All the generous Christmas donations which keep coming, despite so many facing financial difficulties. We also thank everyone involved in the in-store Tesco and Waitrose collections in December for generous physical and financial donations;
2. Donations of presents from private and corporate donors that we were able to pass on to those in need to make Christmas just a bit more special;
3. The Trustees, staff and volunteers who continue to make the work of the foodbank possible;
4. The continued good engagement with people who have lived experience of using the foodbank and associated services, which help inform our work and practices;
5. Confirmation of funding for our partnerships to continue advice and support for clients at our distribution centres
6. The new partnership with BookBank which is now held in Bowthorpe;
7. Good engagement with new and existing MPs since the election.
8. Our 15th year of operating as a charity – not something we want to celebrate, but definitely a big ‘thank you’ for God’s blessing on our work and faithfulness to us in times of challenge

Philippians 4:6
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”
We pray for:
New year, new start!
1. In all that we do here at the foodbank, may our team and supporters who so generously give, continue to help us being able to support those in crisis;
2. An open mind to respond to new challenges;
3. Trustees, staff and volunteers as we enter the New Year; for good health, renewed energy, passion and contentment;
4. Those who are especially struggling this winter-time, especially in light of increased fuel costs;
5. Our 15th anniversary which is in 2025. We are proud of the work we have done however it is sad that the need for extra support is growing. We pray for an end to poverty in our city, our country and across the world.Food Bank Prayer
For I was hungry and you gave me food; I was thirsty and you gave me drink; I was a stranger and you took me in.  Matthew 25:35

God of faithfulness, Your generous love supplies us with all that we need. We know that all we have is yours. We celebrate the work that you have done in Norwich and Norfolk through foodbank by means of the generous support of many people.
Through foodbank we are able to offer food to the hungry, a drink to the thirsty and compassion to the strangers in our city and county.
Accept our offering of worship and service.  May your Spirit empower us to be your hands and feet in our community as we continue to serve those in crisis.
We pray that you bless all those who give and receive.  Increase the capacity of foodbank; help the food to get to those who need it most.

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