We rely on the support of our local community for food donations, volunteering and finances. Can you help us stop UK hunger?


Norwich Theatre to collect Foodbank donations during Come From Away

9 October 2024

Norwich Theatre is asking theatregoers to replicate the community spirit of the show by donating items of non-perishable food when they visit Norwich Theatre Royal during its two week run. 

Norwich Foodbank donation points will be at Norwich Theatre Royal from 15 October to coincide with the arrival of the show and will finish on the last performance on 26 October 

Norwich Foodbank supports local individuals and families who find themselves on the edge of disaster by providing emergency food supplies. These supplies take the form of nutritionally balanced emergency foodboxes to cover an individual or family’s basic needs for 72 hours: the critical time gap before other support services kick in. 

A spokesperson at Norwich Foodbank said: Norwich Foodbank is grateful for the opportunity to work in partnership with local organisations such as the Norwich Theatre to achieve our goal of ending hunger in the UK. Every day people in Norwich go hungry for a range of different reasons. Our threeday boxes of food provide a lifeline to people finding themselves in crisis. We are grateful to our 150 volunteers and countless donors for their time and resources. 

The musical Come From Away shares the incredible story of the 7,000 air passengers from all over the world who were grounded in Canada during the wake of 9/11, and the small Newfoundland community that invited these ‘come from aways’ into their lives. Come From Away is the season finale of Norwich Theatre’s Creative Matters: Kindness through Creativity. 

The season has explored how creativity and the arts can inspire change, tell unheard stories, build compassion and create a fairer and kinder society. Audiences have enjoyed a series of shows, take-part activities, film screenings, half term take part workshops and art installations.

People are encouraged to bring donations of: 

  • Tinned meat 
  • UHT milk 
  • Long-life fruit juice 
  • Shampoo 
  • Toilet rolls 


If you wish to donate an item, please bring it to Norwich Theatre Royal between 15 and 26 Oct at any time and leave it at one of the collection points.  

Come From Away is at Norwich Theatre Royal between 15 – 26 Oct. For more information or to book tickets, visit norwichtheatre.org or call the Box Office on  01603 630 000. 

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